Creativity + Expertise

Hi, my name is Grace Adele Boyle and I’m an Executive and Creative Coach who works with individuals and organizations looking to realign core values, increase creativity, and work better together. Over the years I’ve found my clients and I connect through sharing the excitement for the creative process, being open to new strategic approaches to old problems, and finding humor in the human experience.

My mission is to support creatives and professionals in designing a life they are truly excited to live. With many years of experience working in creative professional industries, I’ve learned how to nurture and challenge entrepreneurs, leaders, and creatives to get their best work out there.

For a long time I didn’t understand what title to give myself. I would be hired as a copywriter and end up training and leading a team of writers, so I’d be called a Manager. Then I’d be hired to teach other organizations, so I was a Consultant. I worked with individuals and creative brands developing podcasts and screenplays and books, so I became a Creative Consultant. Then I’d help solopreneuers develop marketing strategies and campaigns to reach their targets, so I became a Creative Strategist.

What I loved about all my work was the growth I saw individuals and organizations make when they were given honest feedback, space to explore, intelligent guidance, thoughtful challenges, and unconditional support. And the title that fit that work best was Coach.

After living in California for a decade, the term “coaching” gave me visions of crystals in designer water bottles and self-proclaimed spiritual experts. Not my vibe. But the truth is, good coaches are life changing. Anyone looking to advance their personal, physical, and professional growth benefits from the structure and support of quality coaching. And that is what I offer.

Coaching is about increasing the resourcefulness of your client, not giving advice but I will absolutely call you on any of your nonsense that’s holding you back. I work with each client to design a coaching framework that works best for them so you can curate the kind of guidance, feedback, and support you want to receive.

In my own creative life, I’m a multimedia storyteller on topics such as the psychology of communication, leadership, imposter syndrome, marketing, love and heart break, nature, climate change, and creativity. I share my own perspective on life and creativity as an incredibly driven, open-hearted, and genuine person.

I live in an 1860s cabin on a 2,000 acre ranch outside Boulder, Colorado and enjoy connecting movement, playfulness, creativity, and interdisciplinary lens to my work.

What Clients Are Saying


“Grace has transformed my business. As a result of partnering with her, my marketing strategy and the way I position my services has radically changed. I can confidently say that I am a thought leader in my industry because of the work Grace has done with me. Working with her has been the best investment I’ve ever made in my business, hands down.”

Ryan Mayer, Forbes featured ADHD Performance Coach

“Grace’s style is so effective because she is, at heart, a teacher. She lifts the writer along with the writing. Grace’s style is collaborative, enthusiastic, and visionary; she sees her client’s destination before they do. She is simply the best editor I’ve worked with. “

Hannah Sherk , Writer + Educator

“Grace has been a tremendous help in launching my creative work and tweaking my digital content systems. There are SO many insights in her coaching through her writing, feedback, and collaboration. She asks the deeper questions to reveal with clarity what the biggest priorities or opportunities are. It's a true pleasure working with Grace.”

Derek Baynton , Partnership Development + Sales Strategy

“Her writing and strategy are fantastic. Two things that make working with Grace very positive: 1. She takes the time to listen to what you’re trying to do instead of pushing how she wants things done, 2. Her comments and feedback provide clarity on business strategy and messaging that’s hard to get from other people. Really appreciate her and look forward to working together again.”

Steve Weldon , Viking CFO

“Seeing Grace’s name in my inbox was always a delight. We laughed often, worked hard, and got so much done together. I love working with Grace.”

Nicole Dery, UX Researcher + Entrepreneur

“Grace is my muse. She’s the miracle I've been looking for. I love the way she communicates. She’s formal yet familiar, emotive yet professional. Amazing.”

Ryan Marsh , Digital Transformation

Let’s Connect